Monday, December 15, 2008

"Buddy, quit licking my toes."

We got a dog.

He's currently stuck in the office with me because he can't be trusted alone in the rest of the house. He propped up on the counter and stole Josh's quesadilla yesterday. Then he climbed under the tree repeatedly. But he's a sweetheart, and we love him.

We were under the impression he doesn't bark except when getting in his crate. We had him for about 5 hours before we heard him bark at all. He has discovered all the neighbors' dogs though and has decided to make an exception to his crate so he can bark at them.

I got up at 7:20 to watch him while Josh is at work. I don't even get up this early on school mornings.. which may explain the lack of coherence in this post. I'm going to have to seriously adjust to this whole going to bed at 9 thing. I just laid there for at least an hour, probably more, last night.

Buddy is currently destroying his 2nd toy in 2 days...

When I casually mentioned the idea of getting a dog to Josh a few days ago, I had actually meant in about a year. But he seemed receptive, so I went with it. It makes me nervous though. I haven't had a dog consistently since I was 9. The one thing I'm not so fond of: when I try to curl up with Josh, Buddy comes and curls up inbetween us. Then I have to sit up so I'm not laying on Buddy, and somehow, Buddy is the one who ends up curled up with Josh.

I really do love him (both the dog and Josh). I'm just tired and a little bitter that I'm up earlier than I prefer during Christmas break.

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